The broadest leaves are those of the fig, the vine, and the
plane; while those of the myrtle, the pomegranate, and the
olive are narrow. The leaf of the pine and the cedar is fine
and resembles hair, while that of the holly and one variety of
the holm oak[1] is prickly-indeed, in the juniper, we find a
thorn in place of a leaf. The leaf of the cypress and the tamarisk[2] is fleshy, and that of the alder is remarkable for its
thickness.[3] In the reed, the willow, and the palm,[4] the leaf
is long, and in the latter tree it is double as well: that of the
pear is rounded, and it is pointed in the apple.[5] In the ivy
the leaf is angular, and in the plane divided.[6] In the pitch-tree[7] and the fir the leaf is indented like the teeth of a comb;
while in the robur it is sinuous on the whole of the outer
margin: in the bramble it has a spiny surface. In some
plants the leaf has the property of stinging, the nettle for instance; while in the pine,[8] the pitch-tree, the fir, the larch,
the cedar, and the holly, it is prickly. In the olive and the
holm-oak it has a short stalk, in the vine a long one: in the
poplar the stalk of the leaf is always quivering,[9] and the leaves
of this tree are the only ones that make a crackling noise[10]
when coming in contact with another.
In one variety of the apple-tree[11] we find a small leaf protruding from the very middle of the fruit, sometimes, indeed,
a couple of them. Then, again, in some trees the leaves are
arranged all round the branches, and in others at the extremities
of them, while in the robur they are found upon the trunk
itself. They are sometimes thick and close, and at others
thinly scattered, which is more particularly the case where the
leaf is large and broad. In the myrtle[12] they are symmetrically
arranged, in the box, concave, and, upon the apple, scattered
without any order or regularity. In the apple and the pear
we find several leaves issuing from the same stalk, and in the
elm and the cytisus[13] they are covered with ramified veins.
To the above particulars Cato[14] adds that the leaves of the
poplar and the quercus should not be given to cattle after they
have fallen and become withered, and he recommends the
leaves of the fig,[15] the holm-oak, and the ivy for oxen: the
leaves, too, of the reed and the laurel are sometimes given
them to eat. The leaves of the service-tree fall all at once,
but in the others only by degrees. Thus much in reference
to the leaves.
1. "Genere ilicum." It is not improbable that he here refers to the variety of the holm-oak which he has previously called "aquifolia," apparently
confounding it with the holly. See c. 8 of this Book.
2. See B. xiii. c. 37.
3. This must be understood of the young leaf of the alder, which has a
sort of thick gummy varnish on it.
4. B. xiii. c. 7.
5. B. xv. c. 15. Pliny is not correct here; the leaf of the pear is oval
or lanceolated, while that of the apple is oval and somewhat angular, though
not exactly "mucronata," or sharply pointed.
6. Not exactly "divided," but strongly lobed.
7. If this is the case, the pitch-tree can hardly be identical with the
false fir, the Abies excelsa of Decandolles. See c. 18 of this Book, and
the Note.
8. This passage would be apt to mislead, did we not know that the leaves
of the coniferous trees here mentioned are not prickly, in the same sense
as those of the holly, which are armed with very formidable weapons.
9. More particularly in the Populus tremula, the "quivering" poplar.
10. Crepitantia.
11. See B. xv. c. 15. Not a species, but an accidental monstrosity.
12. See B. xv. c. 37, where he speaks of the Hexastich myrtle.
13. The leaves of the elm and the tree supposed to be identical with the
cytisus of the ancients have no characteristics in common. See B. xiii.
c. 47, and the Notes.
14. De Re Rust. cc. 5, 30, 45.
15. Very inappropriate food for cattle, it would appear: the fig leaf being
charged with a corrosive milky juice; the leaf of the holm oak, hard and
leathery; and that of the ivy, bitter and nauseous in the highest degree.